The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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347 | Staying Nimble, Coaching Kids, and Escaping Your Comfort Zone (Corey Peters)

What does it mean to stay nimble as a father? In today’s episode, Corey Peters offers his perspective and will push you to break out of your comfort zone to make a difference for your community. Plus, you’ll discover one simple question that can transform your relationship with your kids. 

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346 | Making Your Home a Launching Ground and Comparing Fatherhood to Rocket Science (Santosh Swamidass)

With a background in the aerospace industry, Santosh Swamidass can list plenty of ways that fatherhood is just like rocket science. In this conversation, Santosh illustrates the importance of launching your kids with the right targets in mind. With tools and systems shared in this episode, you can raise your kids to love Christ, discover their purpose, and impact the world around them. 

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344 | Growing in Sonship, Reaching Men Through Breaking, and Being Known in Your Struggle (Michael Swalley)

Michael Swalley joins this episode to share the unexpected connections between breakdancing and fatherhood. Tune in to hear Michael’s thoughts on the battle against busyness, the power of your wife’s voice, and the value of being known by others. As you embrace your identity as a son of God, you’ll experience the freedom to be the father you are meant to be. 

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343 | Breaking Chains, Being Strengthened in The Forge, and Multiplying Your Discipleship Efforts (Alex and Stephen Kendrick) 

Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions have created some of the most influential Christian feature films, including WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. With their new movie about to hit the box office, Alex and Stephen share what God is teaching them about discipleship, sacrifice, and being forged into stronger men and fathers.

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338 | DA+3 Group Guide: Jim Jackson 

In the third installment of the DA+3 series, rediscover timeless advice from Jim Jackson. You'll learn why being "fast, large, and loud" isn't effective and how to make a shift that leads to more connection with your kids. Plus, explore the 10 DA+3 Discussion Questions below to prompt meaningful conversations about legacy, peace, your fatherhood report card, and more.

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337 | DA+3 Group Guide: Dr. Jackson Drumgoole 

Gather your DA+3 Group and lean into the wisdom of Dr. Jackson Drumgoole. In this 10-minute episode, you'll encounter brilliant strategies to be an intentional and influential dad. Check out the discussion questions below to prompt meaningful conversations about problem-solving, resilience, hospitality, and more.

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335 | 35 Tips to Establish Brotherhood with a DA+3 Group (Jeff Zaugg)

Intention is meaningless without action. This year, be the man who steps up to create a DA+3 group. It’s as simple as getting three dads to join you. Extend invitations, build friendships, and keep going when it’s tough. Your family’s future depends on it.

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334 | Heroic Consistency, Getting Hungry for God, and Being a Safe Container for Grief (Bryan Byrd: Part 2)

Dads were never meant to take on fatherhood alone. In fact, Bryan Byrd argues that isolation is against God's will for your life. Instead, you'll need to connect with others and get hungry for the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Bryan offers encouragement to help you get started.

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333 | Betting on Yourself, Relearning How to Parent, and Doing Hard Things (Bryan Byrd: Part 1)

Everyone has a story to tell, and every story matters. In the first half of our conversation, Bryan Byrd describes the role of a troubadour. He emphasizes the value of prioritizing heart-to-heart connections, loving yourself the way God loves you, and being flexible about your approach to fatherhood.

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332 | Engaging Your Destiny, Obeying God, and Finding Your Tribe (Ben Peterson)

Combat veteran Ben Peterson joins us to discuss the glaring challenges in America's individualistic society, especially for people who have experienced the tight-knit military community. He offers practical advice to help you find your tribe, embrace your purpose, and be vulnerable about the struggles you're facing. 

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331 | Fighting Shadows, Leveraging Your Season, and Asking Curious Questions (Jon Tyson)

Jon Tyson is back for the third time! In this episode, he uncovers the seven lies that hold men back from becoming fully alive. You'll discover the strategies Satan uses to keep you distracted and passive, and you'll be inspired to embrace your current season and ask curious questions for the sake of others.

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325 | Discovering Your Child's Purpose, Nurturing Independence, and Prophesying Over Them (Dean Deguara)

In this episode, Dean Deguara reflects on how he identified his children's purpose through prayer and prophecy. He details the practical ways he and his wife raised their kids to be resilient and bold, from bedtime prayers to meaningful car ride conversations and more.

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320 | Overcoming Addiction, Discovering Wild Courage, and the Power of Testimony (Jeremy Morris: Part 1)

Shame holds back many men from sharing their stories of redemption. Jeremy Morris once felt this. But he learned that the key to unlocking healing is to have the courage to be seen. In this episode, Jeremy shares his unfiltered testimony and demonstrates the power of vulnerability and wild courage.

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319 | Expressing Love, Thriving as Yourself, and Advancing Fatherless Young Men (Chad Wallen)

Chad Wallen helps teach fatherless young men practical tools that their dad could have taught them if he had been involved in their lives. It’s an active way of fighting against harrowing statistics and intervening in tangible, practical ways. Join us as Chad shares his thoughts on self-care, words of affirmation, and mentoring the next generation.

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318 | Choosing Connection, Using Your Hands for Love, and Creating a Fatherhood Vision (Zack Blair)

For Zack Blair, walking in unconditional love is the foundation of joyful fatherhood. In this episode, he shares personal experiences and practical examples to show why connecting with your kids matters more than trying to be perfect. And ultimately, how it leads to a parenting approach grounded in thankfulness and love.

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316 | Living Wholeheartedly, Honoring Your Wife’s Emotions, and Connecting Amid Dysregulation (Jay Vallotton)

For Jay Vallotton, the turning point in his marriage was learning to connect with his wife through her emotions rather than trying to fix them. Now, Jason urges men to reconsider their approach to emotions, both in marriage and parenting. Tune in as he shares practical advice for repairing mistakes, handling dysregulation in a child, and approaching conversations with the end in mind.

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315 | Being Abducted as a Family, Exchanging Fear for Love, and the Signs of False Identity (Jamie Winship: Part 2)

Would you show love to a masked gunman who abducted you and your family? For Jamie Winship, the answer was yes. As he shares the details of this frightening experience, Jamie will inspire you to exchange fear for love as you seek God’s true identity for you.

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307 | Failing Forward, Raising Powerful Kids, and Breaking Up with Passivity (Ben Serpell)

As a husband and father, Ben Serpell has been tempted by passivity plenty of times. It was only after confronting certain fears that he was able to begin living with full power. In this episode, he shares practical examples of how to set a high standard of love in your home. Plus, you’ll learn why “winning vs losing” is the wrong mindset and how a learner’s approach will help you extract more wisdom from your parenting journey.

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306 | Revolutionizing Orphan Care, Modeling Sacrifice, and Running Close to Your Kids (Mike Gallagher

Mike Gallagher’s life changed forever when he and his wife adopted a child. Already the parents of three biological children, they stepped out in faith to meet a need that many people try to ignore. Now, Mike shares how every dad can get involved in reaching the 100+ million children globally without a permanent place to call home.

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