The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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57 | Be Present & Enjoy the Journey (Edrin Williams)

Edrin Williams joins dadAWESOME for part 3 of our monthly WISDOM theme. This conversation challenges us to enjoy the journey and love our kids from a place of being loved by our Heavenly Father. Edrin is a pastor at The Sanctuary Covenant Church in Minneapolis and with his wife Shanequa they have two beautiful girls, Taylor 8 & Harper 2.

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The Power of Positive Connection (028 Jim Jackson)

Jim Jackson, founder of Connected Families, lives and breathes a message of connecting with our kids to get a hold of God’s heart. Husband and father of three, Jim dedicates his time and energy to inspiring, training and coaching families with a simple framework: 1) you are safe, 2) you are loved, 3) you are called and capable, and 4) you are responsible.

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