The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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225 | Fatherhood insights from the life of Abraham (Jeremy Pryor REPLAY)
"if your kids don’t see the sabbath day as their favorite day of the week, then you’re doing it wrong”
209 | Crazy Cool Family (Don Manning)
Fun FactsOn Our JourneyOver 40 petsOver 140 teeth lostOver 3,200 sporting events… and countingOver 50 overseas mission trips… and countingOver 44,000 diapers purchased… no more counting!
206 | Gentleness, Humility & Unforced Rhythms (Matt Fogle)
"it's going to take intentionality and it's going to take you guarding your heart above all else. For from it flows living water. And this is meant to be an overflow journey, not one of scarcity, but one where you are being filled up daily to be poured out like a reservoir to fill your kids up and your wife and you can do it. And it's an invitation piece. It's not... God's not going to ever make you do this. You've got to take him up on his invitation."
191 | Resilience, Empowerment & a Measurement of a Good Father (Ken Castor)
The measurement of a good father is not based upon the behavior and outcome of the children. The measurement of the good father is, does he reflect God, the father, and the character and the heart that all of his children would be in relationship with him at home."
187 | Jon Tyson on Skillful Manhood, Capturing First Moments & The Intentional Father
“I just have a path of intentionality that sets up the odds in your favor. And again, you can't control your son's heart, but you can fight for it. And this is a plan to fight for your son's future. And I believe that when we do that, we activate the heart of God's divine favor comes through our way, the Holy Spirit, gets involved and we're not on our own. And without it, I think you're left to chance and you’re left to the world.”
183 | Drifting to Dreaming (Jeff Zaugg)
The pain of our past has stolen our FREEDOM and we are looking through the little rearview mirror and over our shoulder at what should be behind us. The windshield of your life needs to be so much BIGGER than the rearview mirror... Experience the healing that your Heavenly Father wants for you.
180 | Flourishing As a Family Begins With Dad (Matthew Hooper PART 1)
"Life is stretching and what we need to do is own that that is true and not live in an illusion that life is not that. So life is stretching. If we stayed here, there would be elements that would be stretching about that. If we go, that's going to be stretching and maybe even be more stretching. But the reality is life is stretching."
179 | Mark Batterson – Win The Day (Part 2)
One thing I learned is you can't just set the goal, like you got to reverse engineer it and figure out what are the daily habits that are going to get you to those goals. And that's where the magic happens. That's where the hard work habits. And that really is the key to going after those goals.
171 | Living On Mission with Nick Hall
Nick Hall is the visionary of Together, author of the book Reset, and the Founder and Chief Communicator for Pulse. As an evangelistic voice to this generation, Nick Hall has shared the Gospel at hundreds of events to more than five million people and is regularly featured as a speaker for pastors gatherings, student conferences, training events, and festivals around the world.
170 | Intentional Letters, Heart Connection & A Vision For 50 Grandkids (Dr. Joe Sevlie & Tyler Sevlie)
"Don't live in your own understanding it, if you live in your own understanding, you're going to miss it. If you live it in God's understanding, through the power of the Holy Spirit, in his presence, he will make everything clear and he'll provide and he'll do his gig"
165 | Men of the Kingdom (Dean Stinchfield PART 2)
Have courage. Pray dangerous prayers. What kind of mission do I have for my life? Take risks. Fail often and early. Don't be a critic. Be an encourager.
164 | Be the "Dad in the Arena"(Dean Stinchfield PART 1)
"That which we focus on tends to multiply....find the best parts of your spouse or the best parts of your kid and focus on those because they'll tend to expand. Either in your vision but also in your life."
160 | Raising Passionate Jesus Followers (Phil Comer & Brook Mosser)
"Anything lasting, anything of eternal value, anything of substance, we can't do without Him. But as far as the big picture....we parent out of relationship - our relationship with God and our relationship with our kids and life, it's a rhythm, and God designed it that way."
159 | Zach Neese on Guarding the Doors of Our Kids' Hearts
So as I'm guarding the doors of my kids' hearts, and I'm teaching them to guard the doors of their hearts, I'm asking questions like this, 'What spirit is this entertaining?' Teach them to ask, 'what spirit is this elevating? What spirit is this welcoming?' Because if this is a door, I get to decide who I host, who I invite, who I welcome and who I host. And everything is entertaining to some spirit.
154 | Rope Swings, Giving Thanks & Big Prayers for 2021 (Jeff Zaugg)
We want to see a generation of dads who are builders, who are saying with intentionality and focus with their time, with their money, with their passions. I'm going to build a family. I'm going to build towards having a heart connection with my kids. I'm going to build, in a direction that glorifies the Lord.
128 | Zoom Fatigue, Racial Tensions & the Needed Upgrade (Wayne Francis)
Wayne and Claudene, who he calls “Classy”, have been married for 20 years and have two beautiful teenage daughters, Haleigh and Ryleigh. Wayne loves to cycle and takes great pleasure in turning any floor into a dance floor.
100 | Building Launch Ramps & Becoming dadAWESOME (Jeff Zaugg)
Jeff and his wife Michelle have been married for almost 14 years and they have three amazing daughters (6, 3 and 1). Jeff is the KIDS Pastor at Substance Church and lives in the Twin Cities. Jeff started the dadAWESOME podcast 100 weeks ago.