The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.
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329 | Slaying Your Dragons, Setting the Standard, and Carrying Weight Like a Truck (Danny Silk: Part 1)
In this eye-opening episode, Danny Silk discusses the seven key traits that make up the creed of manhood. You’ll be inspired to rise above cultural influences and become a dragon slayer instead of a destroyer. Ultimately, you’ll discover how to use your strength to protect, display Christ, and lead boldly.
311 | Managing Triggers, Providing a Secure Beginning, and The North Stars of Parenting (Dr. Dan Allender)
The way you parent stems from how you were parented. That’s why understanding the stories and trauma of your past is essential if you want to provide a secure beginning for your children. In this episode, Dr. Dan Allender offers expert advice to help you own the past, share your stories with others, and find beauty along the parenting journey.
310 | Supporting Your Wife, Intentional Multitasking, and Building a Foundation Brick by Brick (Taylor Doolittle)
As a rookie dad, Taylor Doolittle has endless encouragement for other dads in his shoes. In this episode, he emphasizes the value of running after God, pursuing your wife, and enjoying every season with your kids. His vivid analogies will inspire you to make intentional choices as a husband, father, and friend to create the life you want to live.
294 | Sharpening Your Spirit, Getting One Ahead, and Balancing Activities (Roger Thompson: Part 2)
After 52 years of marriage, Roger Thompson has learned a thing or two about how to have a thriving relationship. In this episode, he shares his powerful tactic for keeping his marriage strong. Plus, he urges young dads to reconsider the way they prioritize their children’s activities.
290 | Being Present Over Perfect, Gamifying Fatherhood, and Staying Curious (Jeff Zaugg)
Jeff Zaugg steps behind the microphone in this episode to share his personal fatherhood journey and how he adds adventure and intentionality to the dad life. Interviewed by Dr. Michelle Canfield Watson, Jeff shares powerful encouragement and insights for fathers in any stage of parenting.
280 | Leading a Missional Family, Getting Fired Up as a Father, and Planting Yourself in God's Will (Rob Hoskins)
219 | Up Daddy, Spiritual Fatherhood & Stepping Out in Faith (Dick Foth PART2)
"the best way that I can be a strong father is to be the the most profound loving husband I can be... Children need to know to the degree that they're able that those two people. Love each other deeply"
217 | Talking to Our Kids About Marriage. It's On Me! (Chad Johnson PART 2)
"I just want to pour in... I don't want to be the guy who's over on the couch. Whose mailed it in and thinks that everything's going to be great. I want to be 100 percent in the game. Are they on my calendar or are they on my prayer list? Are they people I'm spending time with? I just want to keep honing..."
216 | Fatherhood with 11 Kids & The Giant Five Framework (Chad Johnson)
The world is crying out for men and dads who are on fire. That love what they’re doing and their giving it their all