The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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263 | Encouraging Your Kids, Discovering Your Identity, and Asking for Forgiveness as a Father (Larry Ross & Harrison Ross: Part 1)

Few fathers are brave enough to ask their grown children for forgiveness. But that’s precisely the conversation Larry Ross had with his son, Harrison. Now, the two men provide a powerful dual perspective about the impact of a father’s choices and how those decisions influence generations to come.

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227 | Intentional Fatherhood & Creating the Primal Path (Jon Tyson REPLAY)

“I wanted him in this liminal space. My goal was to irreparably break his heart for the poor of the world so he’d never just be a spoiled, complacent American ever – He’d always be haunted, because those years are so formative… I just wanted to get in there, God’s heart for the poor.”

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226 | Dads Who Dare To Dream (Banning Liebscher REPLAY)

“When I stop dreaming, when I stop allowing my heart to really dream about things that apart from God are impossible, I not longer kind of lean in, I begin to lean back. I don’t engage, I disengage. And I would say the greatest thing in the world you could do for your kids is to be a dreamer that’s pursuing what God has in your life.”

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221 | The Love of a Father (Pierre du Plessis REPLAY)

You can’t take out a pair of pliers and change wires and go, there you go, I told you, this is how we can fix you. We’ve got to cultivate what we want, and I think part of us as people looking back at our lives, I think if we don’t get over ourselves early enough, then we take up all the energy to fix ourselves and we ignore to sow what we want in our children. It’s amazing when the kid starts drifting, and you no longer have the reach and control you think you have.

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219 | Up Daddy, Spiritual Fatherhood & Stepping Out in Faith (Dick Foth PART2)

"the best way that I can be a strong father is to be the the most profound loving husband I can be... Children need to know to the degree that they're able that those two people. Love each other deeply"

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207 | Stop Worrying & Start 2022 with Worship (Jeff Zaugg)

I pray that we would start the year 2022 with a posture of worship versus a posture of worry, a posture of trusting God versus a posture of struggle and trying to do it on her own. A posture of God's bigness. He is so much bigger and we need to keep that perspective of he knows best. His ways are bigger and wider and deeper and strong. Guys, we have a limited perspective. Let's choose to worship versus worry.

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353 | Setting a Good Example, Growing by Going, and Overcoming Racial Barriers (Elmo Winters)

Being a dad doesn’t stop when your kids grow up. As Reverend Elmo Winters shares in this episode, your kids constantly watch what you do, so the example you set will shape their future. Tune in to hear an important conversation about intentionality, racial reconciliation, and kingdom-focused living. 

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352 | Processing Trauma, Investigating Experiences, and Re-Storying Your Past (Chris Bruno)

As a licensed professional counselor and dad of three, Chris Bruno is acutely aware of how childhood trauma can impact your fatherhood approach. In this conversation, Chris describes the importance of processing your experiences with others, finding healing from the past, and becoming deeply rooted in brotherhood as you raise your kids. 

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349 | Diving Deep Into Brotherhood, Finding Beauty in Your Mess, and the Foxhole Symphony Illustration (Steve Sargent)

What does it mean to go beyond shallow community and find real brotherhood? In this episode, Steve Sargent describes how God turned every part of his story—even the messiest parts—into a beautiful symphony. From overcoming addiction to learning to live authentically, Steve shares powerful wisdom for all dads, no matter your past. 

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347 | Staying Nimble, Coaching Kids, and Escaping Your Comfort Zone (Corey Peters)

What does it mean to stay nimble as a father? In today’s episode, Corey Peters offers his perspective and will push you to break out of your comfort zone to make a difference for your community. Plus, you’ll discover one simple question that can transform your relationship with your kids. 

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345 | Anger Autopsies, Learning From Others, and Your Fatherhood Swiss Army Knife (Kent Evans)

Every father needs the right tools to raise his kids well, and Kent Evans likes to use the analogy of a Swiss Army Knife. His main blades include asking thoughtful questions, seeking wisdom from others, and staying rooted in God’s Word. Tune in now to discover why anger isn’t an effective parenting strategy—and what you should do instead. 

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344 | Growing in Sonship, Reaching Men Through Breaking, and Being Known in Your Struggle (Michael Swalley)

Michael Swalley joins this episode to share the unexpected connections between breakdancing and fatherhood. Tune in to hear Michael’s thoughts on the battle against busyness, the power of your wife’s voice, and the value of being known by others. As you embrace your identity as a son of God, you’ll experience the freedom to be the father you are meant to be. 

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343 | Breaking Chains, Being Strengthened in The Forge, and Multiplying Your Discipleship Efforts (Alex and Stephen Kendrick) 

Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions have created some of the most influential Christian feature films, including WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. With their new movie about to hit the box office, Alex and Stephen share what God is teaching them about discipleship, sacrifice, and being forged into stronger men and fathers.

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342 | DA+3 Group Guide: Seth Dahl

God has given fathers unique duties that they can't pass off to anyone else—not even the Church. In this DA+3 Group Guide, Seth Dahl encourages fathers to step up to the plate in the spiritual formation of their kids. You'll be challenged to avoid false comforts, pay attention to your thoughts, and discover what brings you joy.

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340 | DA+3 Group Guide: Jeremy Pryor

The way you parent today impacts multiple generations. In this week’s DA+3 Group Guide, you’ll hear Jeremy Pryor’s vision for multi-generational families with a clear identity. Get instant ideas to foster family relationships, train your children for their future roles, and integrate your work into your fatherhood role.

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