The DadAwesome podcast is a tool designed to encourage dads to build intentional rhythms into the everyday.

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310 | Supporting Your Wife, Intentional Multitasking, and Building a Foundation Brick by Brick (Taylor Doolittle)

As a rookie dad, Taylor Doolittle has endless encouragement for other dads in his shoes. In this episode, he emphasizes the value of running after God, pursuing your wife, and enjoying every season with your kids. His vivid analogies will inspire you to make intentional choices as a husband, father, and friend to create the life you want to live.

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309 | Creating Adventures, Finding Balance, and Being the Chief Fun Officer of Your Home (Kyle Depiesse)

After spending 13 years climbing the corporate ladder, Kyle Depiesse was burnt out and knew he needed a change. He certainly didn’t have everything figured out, but he took a single step that the Lord used to guide him towards bigger and better experiences than he could have imagined. In this episode, Kyle shares the stories and advice that shaped his life—and his adventurous parenting style.

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308 | Being a Pioneer, Running Family Businesses, and Expanding the Definition of Provision (Jordan Stone)

As a business owner and father to six, Jordan Stone has plenty of reasons to let busyness consume him. But he’s learned the power of slowing down, being present, and creating room in his agenda for how God wants to use him. With real-life examples and practical tips, Jordan Stone will inspire you to rethink the concepts of legacy, ownership, provision, and more.

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307 | Failing Forward, Raising Powerful Kids, and Breaking Up with Passivity (Ben Serpell)

As a husband and father, Ben Serpell has been tempted by passivity plenty of times. It was only after confronting certain fears that he was able to begin living with full power. In this episode, he shares practical examples of how to set a high standard of love in your home. Plus, you’ll learn why “winning vs losing” is the wrong mindset and how a learner’s approach will help you extract more wisdom from your parenting journey.

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302 | Silencing Distractions, Seeing Your Children, and Being Set Apart as a Father (Carlos Whittaker)

Five years ago, Carlos Whittaker joined us on the DadAwesome podcast. A lot has changed since then. With a new perspective of launching his children into the world, Carlos is here to ask the hard-hitting questions. He’ll inspire you to become a father who knows how to be, see, and free.

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301 | Front Yard Fatherhood: Honoring Brian Stites

Last week, Brian Stites went to be with the Lord. His life was a walking testament of how men can show up as engaged, front yard fathers. Despite facing some of the hardest challenges, Brian continued to trust God and walk in faith. In his memory, here are ten things that were true about Brian that every dad can strive toward. 

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299 | Escaping Sedation, Meeting Jesus in Your Pain, and Sharing Fresh Jesus Stories (John Eldredge) 

John Eldredge recently returned from a sabbatical where he discovered deeper truths about God’s love and plans for us. Now, he’s imparting his wisdom about how to experience healing, joy, and adventure amid the challenges of life.

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297 | Cultivating a Prayer Life, Sharing Joy Bombs, and Delighting in What Your Kids Delight In (Alex Burton)

Alex Burton once asked his trusted friends a vulnerable question: “What do you see in my life that I’m not seeing?” Their honest responses shifted his outlook on his marriage and parenting. Now, he’s here to share the valuable lessons that helped him experience more joy and grow closer to God and his family.

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296 | Reaching the Mountaintop, Retiring as a Rookie, and Being All-Out for God (Gaelin Elmore: Part 2)

In the second part of our conversation, Gaelin Elmore describes the spiritual awakening he experienced in his journey through professional sports. He also shares the lessons he learned by walking away from the things he idolized in order to be all-out for God.

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294 | Sharpening Your Spirit, Getting One Ahead, and Balancing Activities (Roger Thompson: Part 2) 

After 52 years of marriage, Roger Thompson has learned a thing or two about how to have a thriving relationship. In this episode, he shares his powerful tactic for keeping his marriage strong. Plus, he urges young dads to reconsider the way they prioritize their children’s activities.

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293 | Investing into Brotherhood, Choosing Endurance Over Comfort, and the Rock Climbing Analogy (Roger Thompson: Part 1) 

For Roger Thompson, discipling other men is life-giving. Between his father’s salvation story and his own childhood, Roger has experienced the empowering nature of brotherhood firsthand. In the first part of this conversation, he highlights the role of endurance and fortitude to encourage you in your fatherhood climb.

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292 | Passing on Advice, Sharing Fatherhood Resources, and Praying for Other Dads  (Joe Ostrem, Tyler Van Eps, and Dago Darezzo: Part 2)

In the second part of this campfire conversation, Jeff, Joe, Tyler, and Dago discuss fatherhood models, top resource recommendations, and advice for rookie dads. They conclude with powerful intercessory prayer for other fathers in the DadAwesome community.

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291 | Defining Family Values, Living Out Your Faith, and Following Gideon’s Example (Joe Ostrem, Tyler Van Eps, and Dago Darezzo: Part 1)

In this conversation, four fathers sit around a campfire to discuss all things fatherhood. You’ll be inspired and equipped to live out your family values, lead by example, and engage in significant spiritual conversations within your brotherhood.

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290 | Being Present Over Perfect, Gamifying Fatherhood, and Staying Curious (Jeff Zaugg)

Jeff Zaugg steps behind the microphone in this episode to share his personal fatherhood journey and how he adds adventure and intentionality to the dad life. Interviewed by Dr. Michelle Canfield Watson, Jeff shares powerful encouragement and insights for fathers in any stage of parenting.

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352 | Processing Trauma, Investigating Experiences, and Re-Storying Your Past (Chris Bruno)

As a licensed professional counselor and dad of three, Chris Bruno is acutely aware of how childhood trauma can impact your fatherhood approach. In this conversation, Chris describes the importance of processing your experiences with others, finding healing from the past, and becoming deeply rooted in brotherhood as you raise your kids. 

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351 | Summiting Mount Kilimanjaro, Reflecting the Father, and Choosing to Man Up (Jeff Ford)

There’s only so much growth you can experience in your normal rhythms of life. That’s why Jeff Ford has pushed his limits to the extreme by summiting the tallest free-standing mountain in the world—three times! In this episode, he shares the powerful faith and fatherhood lessons that he’s learned from doing such physically challenging things with other men. 

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350 | Leading With Wonder, Investing Time With Your Kids, and Lightening Your Load (Jeff Zaugg)

Mic flip! Listen as Jeff Zaugg sits down with Kent Evans and Lawson Brown on the Father on Purpose Podcast to discuss his own parenting journey. He shares fresh ideas to help you live an awesome dad life, invest time with your kids, and model joy, faith, and wonder. 

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349 | Diving Deep Into Brotherhood, Finding Beauty in Your Mess, and the Foxhole Symphony Illustration (Steve Sargent)

What does it mean to go beyond shallow community and find real brotherhood? In this episode, Steve Sargent describes how God turned every part of his story—even the messiest parts—into a beautiful symphony. From overcoming addiction to learning to live authentically, Steve shares powerful wisdom for all dads, no matter your past. 

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348 | Expectation Gaps, Celebration in Suffering, and the Gift of Your Story (Jim Barnard)

Jim Barnard is known as The Suffering Guy. In this heartfelt episode, Jim shares the pivotal moments of his life story, including countless crises and miracles he’s experienced along the way. His story offers hope for others walking through challenging times, and he’ll encourage you to look to the source of all comfort as you try to make sense of reality. 

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346 | Making Your Home a Launching Ground and Comparing Fatherhood to Rocket Science (Santosh Swamidass)

With a background in the aerospace industry, Santosh Swamidass can list plenty of ways that fatherhood is just like rocket science. In this conversation, Santosh illustrates the importance of launching your kids with the right targets in mind. With tools and systems shared in this episode, you can raise your kids to love Christ, discover their purpose, and impact the world around them. 

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345 | Anger Autopsies, Learning From Others, and Your Fatherhood Swiss Army Knife (Kent Evans)

Every father needs the right tools to raise his kids well, and Kent Evans likes to use the analogy of a Swiss Army Knife. His main blades include asking thoughtful questions, seeking wisdom from others, and staying rooted in God’s Word. Tune in now to discover why anger isn’t an effective parenting strategy—and what you should do instead. 

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344 | Growing in Sonship, Reaching Men Through Breaking, and Being Known in Your Struggle (Michael Swalley)

Michael Swalley joins this episode to share the unexpected connections between breakdancing and fatherhood. Tune in to hear Michael’s thoughts on the battle against busyness, the power of your wife’s voice, and the value of being known by others. As you embrace your identity as a son of God, you’ll experience the freedom to be the father you are meant to be. 

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343 | Breaking Chains, Being Strengthened in The Forge, and Multiplying Your Discipleship Efforts (Alex and Stephen Kendrick) 

Alex and Stephen Kendrick of Kendrick Brothers Productions have created some of the most influential Christian feature films, including WAR ROOM, FIREPROOF, and COURAGEOUS. With their new movie about to hit the box office, Alex and Stephen share what God is teaching them about discipleship, sacrifice, and being forged into stronger men and fathers.

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342 | DA+3 Group Guide: Seth Dahl

God has given fathers unique duties that they can't pass off to anyone else—not even the Church. In this DA+3 Group Guide, Seth Dahl encourages fathers to step up to the plate in the spiritual formation of their kids. You'll be challenged to avoid false comforts, pay attention to your thoughts, and discover what brings you joy.

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